
Excitement and hope are two strong emotions that are running around in my mind and heart.  I registered today for an online eCourse that is full of inspirational hints and lessons on manifesting dreams to reality. What is your soul purpose was one of the questions and the short answer



Hmmm just read some views on the whole 2012 predictions…. which had me reflecting… I’m not so sure the dates are as important as the journey we share… I feel we have a long way to go before we will be a world enlightened, fair and where love and acceptance


Getting Published

So inspired by a blog entry from Angela at Llewellyn titled “A shout out to all you writers and passion seekers.”  She is acquisition editor and has a great message for those of us moving towards fulfilling the dream of being published.  Definitely a journey worth travelling….  I’ll be writing


Tarot and Oracle Cards

My interest in Tarot began years ago.  It amazed me how often the cards would find some hidden message or clearly show exactly how I was feeling at the time. In 1999 I got my first tarot deck.  It was a dragon deck that spoke to me when I was


My Projects

Got the first of my projects finished for my website.  Right now I have about 4 things I am working on… and I know, I’ll make more headway if I focus on one and finish it… lol Though that is not generally how I do things.  Similar to creating art. 


Reiki – A Journey in Healing

It is perhaps little wonder that over the years I have been studying alternative methods of healing.  I have what many know as invisible disabilities.  It took years of pain, suffering, confusion, self-doubt, guilt, doctors appointments, specialists and all kinds of treatments to be finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and depression.



Welcome to my home on the web and the secret entrance to my site. All of us face many challenges in this amazing journey of life.  It is during those times we often find we have the greatest capacity to learn.  My website is undergoing a transformation just as my